i may be wrong--but--
in that indiana jones movie--someone said--there was no J in the hebrew language--it was an I-----------
jehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
i may be wrong--but--
in that indiana jones movie--someone said--there was no J in the hebrew language--it was an I-----------
i am a former member of a congregation in central scotland, wondered if there were any others from that area?.
heres a link to lots of other UK members:
every flea market i go to a group of idiots sits under a tent top with a few mags on display with a cup of coffee playing on a phone with as much interest in pushing the cult as a teenage girl at the check out line has in bagging your groceries.
when i was in the cult we had to work for our time.
now its like sitting at the coffee shop bsing with the other cult idiots counting time for your pioneer status.
One couple wrote:
is that the same couple who later wrote--" It's all a big fat con--we saw the light and never went back " ?
i am a former member of a congregation in central scotland, wondered if there were any others from that area?.
I thought real Scots spelt it 'whisky'
correct--i'm taking a Grants right now--thats what it says on the label.
whiskey is an irish drink.
special pioneers let go.
bethel workers laid off.
construction halts, what's next?
this is probably jw's favourite biblical argument in support of disfellowshipping:.
1 corinthians 5:11 "but now i am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.
for what do i have to do with judging those outside?.
" quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother "
and that--says it all. if a person d/a's---they are no longer calling themselves a brother. end of.
how many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....
i stopped worrying about dying in a nuclear war many years ago--theres nothing i could do to stop it.
i was more worried about surviving one.
according to one source on a western european 'apostate' website, the org's plan is to abandon the name "jehovah's witnesses" in the future, and replace it with "worshippers of jehovah.".
http://www.bruderinfo-aktuell.de/index.php/fixnews/#comment-4313 .
the gist of the account appears to be a repeat of rutherford's re-branding and debunking of old predictions made by the previous shower of fakers.
the GB are purely front men. the WTS is a big business --run by businessmen. re branding makes a lot of sense--and its already started.
the target market is young people-----hence the sweeping changes already underway.
the widows mite is all very well--but its just not enough.
how many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....